February 26, 2014

Hammock Camping?

I came across this diagram for hammock camping and thought it was pretty informative. I have never used a hammock in place of a tent, but the freedom that comes with it is enticing. Light weight, sleeping under the stars, sounds almost romantic to an wilderness lover.

I had my eye on a Warbonnet Blackbird XLC an awesome hammock with all the bells and whistles. But the ENO Double Nest is much more affordable, especially since I have never truly tried sleeping in a hammock!

I would love to hear from you hammock people. What are the things that you have learned through trial and error? Please comment below.


  1. This will be my first year getting into hammock camping as well for many of the same reasons. I was looking at an ENO system then was enticed by the Exped Scout Combi system because of its ability to easily go to ground mode when you find yourself in an area void of any good hanging trees. If you are out East, that probably would never happen, but out here in the West where you can find yourself above tree-line up in the mountains or in the deserts and canyons of Southern Utah and elsewhere, trees can be hard to come by.

    Then I discovered diygearsupply.com. I'm now in the process of an attempt to build my own dual layer "LightHiker" patterned after that which is made and sold by tttrailgear.com in an effort to save money. If I am successful, I'll have a very lightweight and versatile hammock system including tarp all for half the price of the ready made "LightHiker" alone w/ no tarp.

    I'll soon start to update my own blog again at wasatch-will.blogspot.com as I complete it. Be sure to subscribe to it if you want to be updated on it.


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