March 22, 2014

Daylight savings time

I love that day light savings time is here, that mean when I get off work, its not dark! This creates an opportunity to get outside during the week, and one of my favorite outdoor activities is hiking. I found this awesome lookout spot above the Rancho Santa Margarita bridge, just above The Bridge Church and Mission Hills. This spot would be an incredible place to take pictures at sunset, I might have to revisit it with a good camera soon.

Trip: 1.5 miles 
Elevation Gain: 500 ft
Difficulty: Easy-Moderate
Time 45 min taking breaks to enjoy the scenery 
Stars: 2 out of 5
Required: Nothing
Dogs: Yes
Other: Bring a camera, watch the decent its steep with loose rock in some areas. A slip and you could hit cactus.

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