
July 25, 2015

You're LOST 5 Tips That Could Save Your Life

1.       Situational assessment:
a.       Stop, don’t panic. (time of day-shelter or rescue the priority, try to get bearings climb a hill to get a vantage point)
2.       Self-assessment:
a.       Injuries?
b.      What do you have available to you (water, food, shelter, compass, whistle etc)
3.       Area assessment:
a.       Better to stay or move- What’s available, will you be found at your location?
4.       Prioritize:
a.      Rescue
b.      Shelter
c.       Water/Food- 3days without water 3 weeks without food
5.       Rescue vs. Self-Rescue-
a.       Actively signaling help (flag, fire, whistle, leaving trace of direction)
b.      Self-rescue- Get out head in a known direction, follow streams etc

What would you add to this list?

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