
February 21, 2014

How to stay safe in the wilderness

How to stay safe in the wilderness
  1. Know the area you are going or at least do some homework. Talk to people who have been in there, or go with someone who knows the area.
  2. Let someone know where you are going and when you plan to return. Use programs like Yodel that can send check in messages or emergency notification to your contact(s) allowing them to see where you are on a map and relay GPS coordinates to emergency crews. If you rely on cell phones etc make sure they are charged, and possibly have a pocket sized solar charger.
  3. Bring the 10 Essentials minimum
  4. Pay attention to your surroundings. Time of day (allow plenty of time.  Round trip, or in and back), weather changes, other people, animals and equipment.
  5. Pay attention to what your body is telling you. How you are feeling: Tired, thirsty, sick, nervous. Maybe its time to rest or turn back.
  6. Don’t take unnecessary risks and know the dangers: What animals might you encounter, and what should you do? What if there is an uncontrolled fire? Am I in a potential flash flood area and what should I do if it starts to rain?
  7. Stick to the trails. Don't go off trail unless you are an experienced hiker and know the area.

Some of these may seem like common sense, but you would be surprised at how many times I read about lost hikers/runners and see how many of these were broken. It’s not usually the one mistake that gets you; it’s a series of small mistakes that leads to disaster.

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